JOHN MAULDIN | May 11, 2016
Do you feel as if you’re the rope in a tug of war? That’s the closest analogy I can come up with to describe what’s going on inside my own head – and in the world. And at the last few conferences where I’ve spoken, talking with the participants afterwards, I’ve found that my feeling is widely shared. Our sense of direction, the sense of knowing where we’re going, is gone. To analogize some more, I told a friend last night that I feel as if we have slipped our anchor and are adrift on the ocean on an overcast night. There’s no wind and we have only limited rations, so we need to start rowing, but we know that landfall in one direction would be impossible to reach, two other directions would be extremely problematic, and we might, just might, get lucky with the fourth. But how do we choose, with no North Star? Especially when our compass seems to be spinning!